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Electric furnace transformers (EPT) are a special category of power transformers that supply electric melting furnaces for various purposes. They differ from the power ones by design, various parameters, operating mode and nature of the load.
To reduce losses in the current leads, furnace transformers are installed in maximum proximity to the furnace. The power supply is carried out using a cable and busbars. The control panels are equipped with control equipment and automatic temperature control, switching equipment.
The structure of the symbol EHXXI-X/10-XX,
where E is an electric furnace;
X is the number of phases (single-, three-phase);
X – type of cooling (M means natural circulation of air and oil);
X is the type of switching (P means an electrically driven PBV device);
And – for induction electric furnaces;
X – typical power, kV·A;
10 – winding voltage class HV, kV;
XX – climatic design and accommodation category according to GOST 15150-69.

Models: EOMN-1000/6-10, EOMN-1600/6-10, EOMN-2000/6-10, EOMN-4000/6-10, EOMN-630/6-10, EOMP-1000/6-10, EOMP-1600/6-10, EOMP-2000/6-10, EOMP-4000/6-10, EOMP-630/6-10, ETMN-1000/6-10, ETMN-10000/6-10, ETMN-1600/6-10, ETMN-2000/6-10, ETMN-3200/6-10, ETMN-4000/6-10, ETMN-630/6-10, ETMN-6300/6-10, ETMPC-1000/6-10, ETMPC-10000/6-10, ETMPK-1600/6-10, ETMPK-2000/6-10, ETMPK-3200/6-10, ETMPK-4000/6-10, ETMPK-630/6-10, ETMPK-6300/6-10, ETCP-1000/6-10, ETCP-10000/6-10, ETCP-1600/6-10, ETCP-2000/6-10, ETCP-3200/6-10, ETCP-4000/6-10, ETCP-630/6-10, ETCP-6300/6-10, etc.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: complete transformer substations, through-pass, dead-end, kiosk, cable, block, power transformers, oil, dry-charged
  • Transformer substations up to 250 kVA
    Transformer substations up to 250 kVA
    KTP-V-25, etc.
  • Transformer substations through
    Transformer substations through
    KTP-PV(K)-25100,4-U1, etc.
  • Transformer dead-end substations
    Transformer dead-end substations
    KTP-TV-25100,4-U1, etc.
  • Two-transformer substations
    Two-transformer substations
    2KTP-PV(K)-25100,4-U1, etc.
  • Two-transformer dead-end substations
    Two-transformer dead-end substations
    2KTP-TV(K)-25100,4-U1, etc.
  • Block substations
    Block substations
    2BKTP-NU-250100,4-U1, etc.
  • Dry-charged transformers
    Dry-charged transformers
    series TSZ, TSZL, TSZP, etc.
  • Oil transformers
    Oil transformers
    series TM, TMG, TMF, TDN, etc.
  • Electric furnace transformers
    Electric furnace transformers
    series EOMN, ETMPK, ETCP, etc.


The production association has been successfully operating in the market of electrical equipment for more than 20 years, specializing mainly in the production of power oil, dry and furnace transformers, substations of various modifications and configurations, panel equipment.

    The design features of transformers make it possible to minimize idling losses, which make up the bulk of losses in power systems.
  • quality

    A modern electrotechnical laboratory, a separate workshop for the production of power transformers and substations allows us to improve the safety and quality of products.
  • cooperation

    Strong ties have been established with many enterprises in Russia and the CIS, and long-term agreements on mutual cooperation in the field of energy development have been concluded.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Equipment order form изготовителя
    Equipment order form


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